What We Do

Our National and International Partners

ABHI has a series of formal partnerships with key UK regional organisations. These are designed to improve patient and population health, through better and faster HealthTech innovation and adoption at regional level, which can then be scaled up nationally. We also have partnerships within key global markets, which allows us to align on critical policy objectives, and to broker opportunities for our respective business communities. 

Our partnerships are detailed below.


UK (Regional)


Our Partners Include: Birmingham Health Partners
: With expertise spanning multiple therapeutic areas, including oncology and trauma, the region has extensive experience of working in partnership with industry. It is also quickly becoming a hub of Regulatory Science across HealthTech, through real-world data collection and innovative trial design.


Our Partners Include: Cambridge University Health Partners
: With one the world’s strongest research bases, Cambridge is home to global experts in translational medicine, developing new diagnostics and treatments. Its advanced engineering capabilities are also evident in the areas of artificial intelligence and medical robotics.


Our Partners Include: West Yorkshire HealthTech Cluster (including Leeds Academic Health Partnership & West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
: Leeds boasts internationally recognised industrial pedigree in traditional medical devices and materials, orthopaedics and instrument manufacturing. Combined with this is an emerging strength in biologics and digital health.


Our Partners Include: Health Innovation Manchester & Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
: Greater Manchester‘s strong digital and data assets are now globally important for analysing existing pathways and supporting pathway redesign to benefit citizens and the system.


Our Partners Include: University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University
: The East Midlands accounts for almost 10% of UK HealthTech employment. Home to key universities, local centres of excellence include the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and NIHR Nottingham Clinical Research Facility, the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre and the Medical Technologies Innovation Facility (MTIF). Their close proximity to one another, and links into the local NHS, explain why the region is rapidly establishing itself as a HealthTech hub.  

UK (National)


Our Partners Include: The Health Innovation Network
: With 15 Health Innovation Networks across England, they operate as the key innovation arm of the NHS. Our partnership sees a joint commitment to supporting innovators navigate the NHS landscape.

Northern Ireland

Our Partners Include: Health Innovation Research Alliance Northern Ireland (HIRANI)
: Northern Ireland is working to build a strong HealthTech ecosystem, with particular strengths in digital, diagnostics and cyber security.


Our Partners Include: University of Strathclyde & University of Dundee
: Central to our University of Strathclyde partnership is the role of the Strathclyde Institute of Medical Devices. As one of the UK’s key innovation hubs it offers research brokering, spin-in and spin-out information, support, and advice. Within Dundee, the Tay Cities Biomedical Cluster project is growing, and is striving to put health technology at its heart through partnership working.


Our Partners Include: Life Sciences Hub Wales
: The HealthTech in Wales continues to mature, and has developed strong clusters in high-growth markets including in vitro diagnostics, single-use technology and wound care.

Innovation Catalyst 

Our Partners Include: CPI
: CPI, which is part of the UK’s High Value Manufacturing Catapult, is a leading technology innovation centre, working with a range of clients to translate research into the marketplace. Our joint work is explicitly designed to support SMEs, and the £7m Health Technology Regulatory and Innovation Programme is a prime example of this. 

Private Equity and Venture Capital 

Our Partners Include: BVCA
: This partnership provides the opportunity for ABHI and the HealthTech industry to collaborate with the finance community, to share intelligence through engagement forums and crucially, to support the growth of our sector by ensuring better access to finance as this joint report outlines. 

We also have also developed an investor network. This group of finance professionals are actively involved in HealthTech investment, and we are working together to better connect our membership to this community. 


Our Partners Include: Make UK
: This partnership provides reciprocal benefits to our respective membership communities, and is designed to create a favourable environment for manufacturing, at a local, regional, national and international level. It also entitles ABHI membership to complimentary Affiliate Membership of Make UK. Click here to take advantage of this offer.  


Our Partners Include: TOPRA
: This agreement is designed to improve the understanding and commitment to excellence in HealthTech regulation in the UK and globally, and paves the way for further collaborative working between our organisations on a range of subjects related to regulatory science.

We are also supporting the emerging network of Centres of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation.



Our Partners Include: ABIMED
: ABIMED represent the HealthTech industry in Brazil. By bringing the work of the associations closer together, this partnership is designed to enhance trade opportunities, and to focus on key areas of alignment, including global regulations and environmental sustainability.


Our Partners Include: MedTech Europe
: ABHI is a longstanding member of the the European HealthTech trade association, MedTech Europe, and our work has seen us collaborate on key issues pertaining to the industry, none more so than regulation. 


Our Partners Include: AdvaMed & the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA)
: AdvaMed are a leading US HealthTech Association. Our partnership sees a commitment to aligning on key work areas such global trade, regulation, technology adoption and ethics. We also support the work of MDMA, who provide educational and advocacy assistance to innovative and entrepreneurial medical technology companies.

Our US Accelerator programme, designed to help UK companies grow their business within the US, has also led to deep connections across key states, including Texas, Tennessee, California, Maryland, Minnesota and Florida.

Global Medical Technology Alliance (GMTA)

ABHI is a member of the Global Medical Technology Alliance (GMTA), a collective of global Trade Associations, representing HealthTech. The GMTA provides a strong community for advocating industry-critical policies, at an international level, that support the development and adoption of technology, and the harmonisation of requirements.