Nishan Sunthares
Executive Director, Diagnostics
ABHI Groups
Nishan Sunthares is Executive Director, Diagnostics at the Association of British HealthTech Industries.
He is responsible for leading ABHI's early diagnosis strategy to make high quality diagnostic technologies accessible to all who need them so that diseases can be detected and treated earlier. ABHI’s focus on early disease detection aligns with health priorities and the enhanced use of HealthTech to deliver this is significant. He is an Executive Director of the ABHI Board.
In his time at ABHI Nishan has held a variety of roles including as Chief Operating Officer to build capability and partnerships to sustain significant organisational growth, and led the Association’s work to advocate for industry-critical policies to raise adoption and spread of innovations. His regular, personal interaction with government Ministers, officials and NHS leaders has been key to increasing the Association’s impact.
He has extensive knowledge of the HealthTech industry and health/government policy and serves on a variety of advisory boards to convey industry’s voice on research, innovation programmes and investment.
Nishan has worked in the health technology industry for over 20 years, and has held senior leadership roles in the industry across finance, market access and commercial functions.