Member Groups

Wound Care


To represent Wound Care manufacturers to external stakeholders, to raise the profile of tissue viability as a critical service and the role that technology and industry performs in delivering patient outcomes, experience and system efficiency.

  • Chair - Jonathan Marl, 3M 
  • Vice Chair - Kirsty Hunt, HARTMANN 
  • Utilised infographics to highlight the burden of wound care to a wide range of stakeholders including National Wound Care Strategy, NHS Supply Chain, clinical communities and NHS England.
  • Initiated discussions with NHS England and NHS Supply chain around whole-life system cost for wound care products.
  • To guide clinical and procurement decision makers to consider and evaluate whole-life system cost for wound care products versus lowest acquisition cost.
  • To promote value of appropriate evidence in wound management; working with clinical stakeholders to create awareness of the sector challenges.
  • To support the inclusion of patient views and outcomes in decision making.
  • Drive for greater alignment from key government stakeholders, including National Wound Care Strategy, NHS Supply Chain and procurement organisations.
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“The ABHI Wound Care Group is very useful for our company to be a part of. Membership of ABHI overall, enables us to connect into the UK healthcare system at a high level, with the group helping to make sense of the current healthcare environment.”
Trevor Andrew, Commercial Strategy Manager, L&R Medical & Wound Care Group Vice Chair