Member Groups

Legal Issues


The Legal Issues Group augments the work of other ABHI groups by providing advice and support on legal issues, especially in the UK market and regulatory areas. The group has recently incorporated the Credentialing and Access Group, therefore adding any legal implications to the UK’s credentialing network to the discussion.

  • Chair - Linda Sneddon, WL Gore
  • Vice Chair - Rosemary Rance, Boston Scientific & Rob Smith, L&R Medical UK
  • The group has held several external presentations on topics such as Class Actions and Lloyd v Google, and greatly benefits from the general participation of external law firm colleagues.
  • The Chair of the Code of Ethical Business Practice complaints committee has been made a member of the group, in order to inform the members of infringements to the Code.
  • The Chair and Vice Chair have been instrumental in the drafting of the white paper, related to ‘Placed Equipment’.
  • To successfully integrate the Credentialing and Access Group into the Group.
  • To consider the pending five-year review of the ABHI Code of Ethical Business Practice in light of potential MedTech Europe updates and the challenges presented by social and corporate responsibility requirements.
  • To monitor any legal developments presented by the developing UK regulatory requirements, that may affect the HealthTech sector, including those related to diagnostics and digital products.
  • To develop a strategy for education and encouragement for the regulatory group, thereby fostering an environment of participation by members.
Useful Resources 

Click here to view the latest updates, minutes and future meeting dates for the group. 

Get Involved 

To join the ABHI Legal Issues group, contact 


“The Committee is aiming to provide practical answers to the ongoing challenges. Since the onset of the pandemic there has been significant engagement within the group that aims to provide clarity to all members as a whole.”
Linda Sneddon, WL Gore