Resource Hub


Topic : Type : Report

ABHI's membership is broad and diverse, made up of companies that provide safe products and services that improve patient outcomes and deliver efficiencies to the NHS.

However, behavioural changes within the clinical setting are also vital to ensuring safety is delivered at ground level, with common adverse health events still negatively impacting patient safety figures. Industry has a positive role to contribute in delivering behavioural and cultural changes within the healthcare setting, from the adoption of automated processes that deliver the safest practices, to training in technology and cross sector partnerships.

With this in mind, the ABHI Patient Safety Group - a cohort of ABHI member companies who work collectively to support broader safety in healthcare – have come together to provide key insights on six adverse health events that could be alleviated through behavioural modification. For each area, HealthTech solutions are detailed to help combat these occurrences. 

Download the report below.