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2024 Capturing Gender Equality in HealthTech Report

Topic : News and Press Type : Report

As the landscape of HealthTech evolves, understanding the dynamics of gender equality within this critical sector remains paramount. This year, we are thrilled to share insights from 156 industry professionals – which is nearly double last year’s participation. This significant increase not only underscores the growing commitment of the HealthTech community to gender equality but also enhances our ability to assess progress and changes over time. Thank you to all those who contributed.

Our findings this year reveal a strong inclination towards leadership styles that foster collaboration and independence within teams, but also provides some intriguing gender-specific insights. For example, women are notably more inclined to lead by example (48% vs. 32% for men). Conversely, men more frequently prefer giving their teams the autonomy to work independently (52% vs. 30% for women). These preferences highlight diverse approaches to leadership within the sector.

Leadership success in HealthTech is also increasingly tied to the alignment with organisational values, and the importance of work-life balance. With a 10% point increase in the emphasis on organisational culture compared to last year, signalling a shift towards more value-driven leadership in HealthTech.

Equal access to healthcare and treatment, regardless of background, is essential, emphasising why our industry must reflect the diversity of the communities it serves. By promoting strategies that enhance equality, HealthTech can set a standard for others to follow, contributing to economic and health benefits both nationally and globally. Indeed, gender-based workplace discrimination not only undermines individual careers but also has a significant economic impact, costing the UK economy billions annually. While gender is one of many diversity aspects, closing the gender gap remains a key area with substantial implications for the broader economy and healthcare outcomes.

Through this report, we delve into these dynamics and more, exploring how gender influences leadership styles, the barriers female leaders face, and the overall impact of gender diversity on the HealthTech industry. This provides us with the opportunity to reflect on how, as a sector, we can continue to address those barriers.