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ABHI Supports Goals for the Next Stage of the AMR Challenge

Topic : News and Press Type : Press Release

 ABHI welcomes the new 2024-2029 national action plan (NAP) aimed at tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
"By any measure, AMR poses a significant threat to human, animal, and plant health globally. The NAP, which builds on the previous 5-year action plan and supports UK Government’s vision from 2019, is therefore vital in our ongoing fight to contain, control, and mitigate AMR by 2040." states Nishan Sunthares, Executive Director, Diagnostics, ABHI.
The plan emphasises a One Health approach, critical in addressing the spread of drug-resistant pathogens. From a human health perspective, health technologies - diagnostics, infection management products and services, AI and digital tools - offer solutions to help achieve the plan’s aims to prevent the rise of hard-to-treat infections and ensure antimicrobials are targeted to those most likely to benefit. Increased AMR awareness among the UK public and healthcare professionals, optimal surveillance and expanding research will ensure effective antimicrobial use and understanding across the UK.
We look forward to working with all partners to help deliver the ambitions set out in this strategy.

Access the UK 5-year action plan for antimicrobial resistance 2024 to 2029.