ABHI Membership

The Pulse of the HealthTech Industry - Complete the 2023 Business Survey

Every year we run a member-wide survey to capture evidence on the business landscape and the critical areas that are impacting you. 

The data you provide us with is incredibly useful and enables us to advocate effectively for the sector, with data to back-up our asks. 

This year, and in the future, we are teaming up with CPI to expand the reach of the survey and to capture more information from across our respective networks.

We expect the survey to take around 20 minutes to finish and it will remain open until 15th September 2023. You can complete it here.

We will also continue to iterate the content of the survey in the future, so for any feedback or ideas of what would be useful to include, please do write to me

Thank you in advance for providing us with this feedback. This detail will enable us to provide evidenced-backed examples of where HealthTech needs to be appropriately supported in the months ahead, as well as tracking progress over time. 

Lucy Stevenson