ABHI Membership

AMRC: Delving into Digital Summit

Delving into Digital Summit:

27 March 2019, London

Within industry, digital health is receiving phenomenal levels of resource and funding, with StartUp Health reporting that a staggering $14.6B of venture funding was pumped into digital health in 2018. As industry pushes ahead, buoyed by the clear appetite for digital health innovation, medical research charities are left to consider what their place is in this fast-moving area. Many charities have started to move into the space, as demonstrated by our Spotlight on Healthcare Technology, with our members developing over 100 software and tech products in 2015/16. As we stated in our On the Front Foot report, ‘today no leader, no Trustee and no volunteer in a localised care centre is unaware of [digital health technologies’] power’.

So what ‘value’ can charities bring? Why should they be involved in the development of the latest health tech, if they’re not going to discover it themselves? Simply put, charities give patients a voice. And as is the case for any technology, not just in healthcare, the user is key. Charities have a trusted relationship with their patients, and can provide unparalleled insights into what patients need the most, as well as access to valuable patient data in many cases (see our Saving lives with patient data registries report).

Charities know they cannot develop breakthrough digital health solutions on their own: collaboration is key. And we are working hard to make sure this happens. In March, we will be hosting our annual conference, Delving into Digital which aims to connect medical research charities with key stakeholders from across digital health to build networks to solve key patient problems, against a backdrop of hearing about the great collaborative projects already happening here and now. There will also be active, participatory sessions on the day to kickstart these conversations. Three table talks throughout the day will get key tech industry figures and medical research charities together in a room to discuss openly how and why they should form partnerships, and provide a platform to work through worries and blockers. We feel ABHI members are critical to these conversations and invite any interested organisations to register for the event and contact us to sign up for a table talk. We also have sponsorship and exhibitor options available for the event, for those looking to be front and centre to find potential collaborators.

The summit will take place at RocketSpace's state-of-the-art campus for leading tech start-ups, just minutes from Angel tube station, the perfect place to bring together key stakeholders including patients, government, the NHS, industry, acadaemia and charities to foster a culture of cutting-edge innovation via collaboration. The full agenda can be viewed here but to give you a taste, here are just some of the exceptional speakers we have lined up:

  • Baroness Nicola Blackwood (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Care) will offer an invaluable perspective giving her take on health innovation that she is bringing to her new role.
  • Dominic King (Health Lead, Google Deepmind) will take part in our disruptor panel offering an industry standpoint on the contentious issue of what makes a digital health technology ‘good’.
  • Indra Joshi (Digital Health & AI Clinical Lead, NHS England) will input the NHS’ view on how to judge the effectiveness of digital health technologies.

Delving into Digital. We look forward to seeing you there!

For further information or to purchase a sponsorship package(s), please contact:

Gill Daniell, Events Lead, AMRC 

Email: g.daniell@amrc.org.uk Phone:  020 7685 2630