The UK Digital Health and Care (UKDHC) Annual Scientific Informatics Conference

Venue: University of Central Lancashire, Preston

Start: Wednesday 04 Sept 2024 09:00

End: Thursday 05 Sept 2024 17:00

The United Kingdom Digital Health and Care CIC (UKDHC) is dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment for health and social care informaticians, organising educational events, promoting research and innovation, advocating for ethical practices in clinical informatics, and collaborating with stakeholders to enhance healthcare quality and efficiency through digital solutions. 

The annual scientific conference provides the digital health community with the opportunity to share and learn from eminent speakers and colleagues. The conference will look at improving patient care through the better use of technology. With national updates and learning from outstanding practice in hospital, general practice and the community you will hear how to provide the best digital health and care, using the latest innovative tools to support your practice.

For more information, and to register, click here