NHS Long Term Plan & Integrated Care Systems 2024 Conference

Venue: Royal Society of Medicine, London.

Start: Tuesday 10 Sept 2024 09:00

End: Tuesday 10 Sept 2024 17:00

Following the successful 2021-2023, NHS Long Term Plan and Integrated Care Systems conferences, Govconnect are pleased to announce the merger of these events.

The conference will provide a focus on the pivotal issues concerning the future strategies of both the LTP & ICS's and incorporate key elements of the “Major Conditions Strategy” currently being developed. Govconnect’s social model enables them to redirect revenues generated to award bursaries for NHS Directors and Managers to attend their events. Each of the 42 ICS/ICB regions will be represented at the Conference. 

There are limited opportunities for ABHI members to exhibit and present and we have negotiated discounted sponsorship rates on your behalf. For more information contact nicholas.massey@govconnect.org.uk.

Members are also able to make use of a 50% discount when booking. Be sure to use the code: ABHI50

Register here.