MediWales BioWales in Cambridge 2023

Venue: Taylor Wessing 3rd Floor, 22 Station Rd, Cambridge

Start: Tuesday 28 Nov 2023 09:00

End: Tuesday 28 Nov 2023 12:00

Following on from the success of MediWales BioWales in London event in March, MediWales will be holding a BioWales in Cambridge event on the 28th November 2023.

This seminar event plans to focus on :

  • Precision medicine genomic and cancer diagnostics,
  • Support for clinical trials/product evaluations/collaboration with the Welsh NHS
  • Company showcase and examples of Cambridge /Wales collaborations
  • Support from Development Bank of Wales, Welsh Government and the City Deals for inward investment and companies with a base or footprint in Wales
  • Product development, regulatory and manufacturing capabilities and facilities

Register here.